Thursday, December 31, 2020

silvester! (365/365d)

Sleep till 12 for no reason (except going to sleep after 3am) ... upon alighting from my bed i went right to work on finishing mary's 2020factorial project.

Each of us,, edward and I published a 12 minute video today - he made spiegel im spiegel public and i finished and finished and uploaded the audio (mary did the video and midi animation) for our "2020!" video... 

impressed, i think

When we felt ready to go, we headed to the Foersters in small groups. We packed a ton of clothes and bedding (for the kids' sleep over) food drink and more. Centa made egg nog. We played carcassone, drank happily, had a stellar buffet, and generally had a terrific evening that ended after midnight - with us dancing and singing around a bonfire and henry asking onkel ludwig: “why does fire burn?”

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