Tuesday, December 29, 2020

snow and imagined sun (363/365d)

It took some convincing to get everyone into their winter clothes, but then we went down the Mur past kalvarienberg and went sledding with Gabriel and Maria. The mamas talked a lot, and my toes got numb with cold. I was wearing a pair of theodore’s winter boots (which now fit me). Theodore had corona testing, which came back negative, which means he can go to tonight's rehearsal for verkaufte braut, .... he joined us a few minutes after we got there, very happy that i had thought to bring his snow pants and hat and gloves with me.

Everyone was hungry (and a bit "hangry") when we got home. Brian made bread, which the kids loved a lot – but fought about the end pieces

Ingrid cz. came over in the evening and we played wizard and 6-nimmt and lit the candles on the tree. She drove me to the opera, picked up Theodore and together we walked to renate although renate was not at all pleased that theodore was coming along, as he may not meditate till he's older, and it is too late for a child to be out. i told her theodore would be happy to just have quiet time to read, and he was!

reading "indian captive"

Meditation was ...i want to open a huge heavy door - so heavy i can barely move it, to let in the light. Finally “inside/outside” I find a rose garden. There are small pebbles under the roses and I build pyramids with them, but must be very careful so they don't slip. I finally give up and lay in the sun with my eyes closed watching the patterns on the insides of my eyelids.

Theodore and I walked home together in the rainy drizzle, and got back very late, after 10. I still managed to have a skype group call with mama, centa (downstairs), papa and me.

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