Sunday, December 27, 2020

sunday brunch (361/365d)

Up really early and ate a bag of potato chips for breakfast at 5:30am... ewwww 

The foersters came over for sunday brunch, which we decided was short order eggs. no mimosas needed. ronja doesn't "like eggs" but asked for one sunny-side-up and then ordered 3 more in rapid succession. We tried to play a game together, but gave up when all the kids piled on top of us. It was fun though, we played with blocks, and watched a "show" the kids put on.

kids version of a fancy dinner table

We left with them, ostensibly we were going to walk together, but they headed straight home, so it was just a long walk with brian, the kids, and me, until we found uncle Ludwig on the way home from *his* alone walk and made him turn around and caused his walk to be even longer. I don't think he minded. When we got back it was quite dark, and we lit the candles on the tree and sang carols together.

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