Thursday, December 10, 2020

swinger of birches (344/365d)

Edward, Brian and I enjoyed a long political discussion this morning over coffee and tea, then I edited the sound of Pauli's and my arvo paert… I didn't like the way it sounded but I guess I just have to live with it.

I had the wonderful luxury of playing with Brigitta - We played some Siegl & sightread Coates after Felix had a wonderful piano lesson.

It was Papa’s birthday, and we extra-much enjoyed the wonderful audio advent calendar music listening  (although it made us a bit sad/nostalgic - robert frost reading his poem Birches) with tea and cookies

tea, cookies, wreath and laptop - advent in the 21st century

We sang jingle bells with centa in 4 part harmony with felix swinging from the beams like a monkey, and then we went right into practicing. So much fun to learn Bach note by note with Henry and accompany Theodore. Got to talk to Manuela

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