Wednesday, December 16, 2020

classic movie night (350/365d)

Edward did a lot of random filming today - some shots for centa's effective-immediately project, and we tried to do a version and felix and me playing jingle bells as a duet – it was super fun with felix bouncing back and forth. this time i made it through almost without mistakes. - it's not even a hard thing to play, i just get distracted by felix going in and out of my field of vision. 

we also did our now-traditional beeswax candle rolling. we had exactly the right amount of wick with a small bit left over from last year.

carefully rolling

We wanted to watch the rest of Anchors Aweigh but didn't get around to it. I was excited about a movie night of my own, and wanted all the kids asleep by 8 or so, so that I could watch Rebecca - my favorite from my teenage years, and still very high on my best-movies-ever list.

Nina came over for it, and Edward and Centa and I watched. Brian was not interested and had work anyways. We had great snacks, and a very enjoyable movie, then went to bed waaay too late

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