Saturday, December 12, 2020

team work (346/365d)

Felix and Henry started the day by making palatschinken for Edward and Centa, early in the morning, and then Theodore and Brian went to the farmers market while Henry and Felix stayed home playing wizard. Meanwhile I regretfully read a book by Nick Cave and hated it very much. Very much. As in, i regretted reading it. I felt bad because I had recommended the book to Pauli, and now I'm worried what horrible stuff he'll think of me.

Brian and I cooked together as a team, and I made cookies. Felix and Henry helped me clean up.

whisk-cleaning service

We went roller blading with Maria and Gabriel. The kids roller-bladed. Maria and I just walked around in circles. Played way lots of music with Theodore – cool Carl Boehm piece that I am accompanying him on. And we sang our 4-part Jingle Bells accappella with tea and cookies and advent wreath.

We didn't get to see Peter on his actual birthday, unfortunately, though I tried a few times to contact him. 

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