Wednesday, December 30, 2020

i wish every day was world peace day (364/365d)

I cooked today, and when I got done, Centa brought home some fresh ravioli that she and ingrid had made, so we ate that instead - I guess I don't have to to cook tomorrow.

I showed each kid seperately how to fold a paper origami crane... maria wants to make a kind of 1000crane project in honor of world-peace-day which is in september, i think, so we really would have to start now. 

i was in a black and white mood

centa reading from letters from father christmas
which is really fascinating for felix right now

edward and henry being silly
trading instruments

Stayed up very very late with Mary, working on 2020factorial, switching off sometimes with Bruno, with whom I was also discussing the composition... It's almost finished. Some wonderful Bruno-isms... when he says "default" he means "defect" and when he says "experiences" he means "experiments"

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