Thursday, December 24, 2020

christmas eve 2020! (358/365d)

There were no trees to be had at the market this morning, not even for ready money. Brian made himself on the hero-tour and found one after some searching. Not just anyone, but a gorgeous and perfect specimen. 

Brian and I cooked and cleaned and got a ton ready and then we walked to church where we first practiced and then had an absolutely perfect service. it was just so very very perfect. when we got and back the tree wasn't done yet, so I stalled as much as I could, but I didn't have to do much, as the kids were making a surprise in my room, and didn't want to be bothered. We adults all helped decorate in shifts, and finally everything was ready and we had our delightful christmas eve dinner and the bell rang, the tree was lit, we sang songs, and opened presents - not too many presents, in fact, nearly none, and everyone was happy with that.

christmas dinner: celeriac and potato salad and vogerlsalat
dessert was too sweet for edward: candied green black walnuts

on the way home, at the deserted hauptplatz

mostly deserted herrengasse in full lighting

theodore at the organ

gounod's ave maria


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