Wednesday, December 2, 2020

musical proof of concept (336/365d)

...... FIRST SNOW of the year today! was so excited to take Felix out and look at snowflakes with a magnifying glass. We went out a few times, but were disappointed each time, because they didn't have pretty snowflake shapes at all.

i got new organ music for Henry after arguing that he really knows a lot more than he lets on. I sent the organ teacher a recording of him playing bach, and she sent much better and more interesting music for Henry that he started practicing right away. 

caroline did her last pickwick club, where she read the end of her young adult novel (set in venice, so she read it with a venetian mask)

felix, theodore, henry and caroline

and we watched the really very strange movie "I heart huckabees" ... brian set up the movie downstairs and i took forever to come downstairs because i was talking to mary about her new project to turn "2020!" (2020 factorial, a five-thousand-eight-hundred-something digit number) into a piece. 

papa and i eventually stayed up quite late learning a new music entry program that is similar to latex. papa calm and patient and me irritated and easily frustrated by the results. did a few measures of the beginning after the movie before bed, as a proof of concept.

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