Tuesday, December 8, 2020

the world sometimes says no (342/365d)

Tuesday - wake up feeling ok-ish. Bright and early and in a good mood and ready for filming for the jingle bells video. I finished my perfect title page prop, and then my headache set back in, 10 times more massive than before. no video making with quintet. I call Irmtraud, she says maybe postpone. She calls again, that will try a different day - one of her friends has died. barbara was also exposed to corona so is in 2 weeks of quarantine, and klaus is sick. we pretty much never cancel or postpone anything - it's too hard to schedule. but today, the world said NO.

instead pauli came over and we DIDNt go to jakobs leiter. - waaay too cold and then it started to rain. brian took the big kids hiking (i don't even know where, but they had left earlier and the rain didnt start till they were on their way back) and centa meanwhile made vanilla kipferl but was unhappy with them

weird faces on purpose
pauli is not that cold - he's just ready to go hiking

and instead i finished that video sending it to andrea at midnight exactly.

oh and centa made vanilla kipferl but was unhappy with them

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