Sunday, December 20, 2020

too many lights too many cameras too much action (354/365d)

I could barely could sleep - anxious all night, plus henry crawled into our bed with a bad dream and he runs very warm. 

I finished the final touches of the krippenspiel video between 7:30 and 8 - brian watched it while i showered then i frantically edited a small typo in the credits and some minor syncing problems, and tasked brian with the job of uploading it when the final render was complete.

Then we did *three* video shoots – one TV interview, the new-years social-distancing champagne video, our jingle bells video, while Barbara had a *fourth* video shoot with for a canceled ball. Plus many discussions. At the end I remembered I wanted to have a scene where I sign pierponts name with a quill pen, and because i didn't want to actually ruin my amazing prop, klaus set up a green-paper to use as a green screen - good thing too, because i messed it up about 10 times.

me multi-tasking, both taking this self-portrait, and acting in the video.

in the greatest of all dental ironies, Brian lost part of a tooth while flossing ....... poor guy will have to find a dentist in the middle of the empty holiday season.

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