Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A really really good day (348/365d)

Recorded 35(!) tremolos for Bruno - i called myself time-management magician, but ran out of time! Had to run out to get to Elke – she taught me for 2 hours! I went to the library afterwards, returning things, and getting out Rebecca for viewing later in the week. 

Did a lot of photo editing, little bits at a time

I baked a ton of cookies - so many different types. Felix and Henry especially liked using the cookie press. Felix read in a magazine that we could send a drawing in to enter to win something. He suddenly became very determined to draw something.

a drawing for a drawing


Went for a 1.5 hour walk with Jackie in the fog late at night, all around the Schlossberg, including a path I hadn’t actually ever been on, where it was closed for winter storm damage and we had to step over trees. When I got back, although it was very late, I talked to Bruno about steirischer herbst project

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