Friday, January 1, 2021

fresh start (1/365e)

It's maybe a little bit cheating to start the year with pictures of "last night" ...but that was really officially TODAY, plus we didn't do anything else today. 

fireworks overhead

fireworks below

Resolutions for 2021

Elfrieda, do you have any resolutions for this year?: NO

*I want to fit into my blue evening gown - I wear it next Silvester, even if I have to make it wider.
*I want to do a salto on my trampoline.
*I want to attend the Fields Institute with my husband

*Attend everything at online Fields Institute until June
*Write a letter to each grandchild once a month

building a bathroom at the upper farm for Puk

I would  like to get back on my pilates schedule 30min session everyday.

"I want to tie up loose ends, recognize dead ends and generally bring projects to an end. Any end."

finish my online calendar project

*My resolution is super lame and stupid, I'm 'officially' doing the 10k steps thing, but in reality my resolution is to be more pretty because nobody likes ugly me.
*My new resolution is to have Theodore over for a week or two - he can sleep in Uncle Ludwigs room, since he doesn't feel like respecting our curfew

To wake at the latest at 7 each day. A.M. is implied

I resolve to
*go for a walk every day
*to publish 25 videos
*and make a giant family tree with papa

Quit my job 🎉 and buy a house 🏠

apply to the american film institute 

To do more stuff all together

Go to Thailand

Not so much fighting

I'll try to do that too. not hit someone for no reason. If I hit someone it will be for a REALLY good reason.

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