Friday, December 25, 2020

postponing christmas dinner (359/365d)

We noticed we forgot PARMESAN! oh noooo!!! So we won't make truffels today, because without parmesan it's a disaster!

Baked (a completely perfect) stollen in the morning, and while it was being finished we went to eggenberg to the swing. Because of bicycle issues, and fights I ended up riding Centa's tricycle there and back, which has its own steep learning curve, and it is also generally a bit slower than theothers. We came back when it started to rain/snow, but we were very happy we had been at the swing

a piece with all the condiment options carefully arranged

perfect stollen breakfast after noon

We had a large roberts family zoom meeting, and it got a bit too long for felix and henry who started getting loudly impatient and annoyed. But we held on till the end. 

Brian made a quiche for dinner, and Edward didn't feel so well, so it was a pretty strange christmas dinner - we're just saving our good dinner for tomorrow. 

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