Saturday, December 19, 2020

in which i accidentally trade a book for a phone (353/365d)

We wanted to go for a nice hike ... when we suggested the Burgruine, Felix said it was too far, but when we suggested Jungfernsprung (20meters difference) he said that was perfect. So we went. We thought based on eye-witness accounts from earlier in the day, that there would be snow, but by the time we got to the top it had all melted.
a snack in the fog

a view of the autobahn

Pauli paid us a lovely visit and gave me a book by Stefan Zweig. ... unfortunately when he leaves he accidentally stole my phone (!) ... i didn't know that though so i looked all over everywhere for it. It was off so i couldn't call it. I even checked ridiculous things, as though I was going insane - in the fridge and the microwave. pockets of coat i haven't worn, etc.

I cooked with Edward, which was lovely, and had to leave in a hurry to discuss our surprise TV interview with the quintet. Back home, I was nervous about tomorrow, and felt better after going to Jackie's house and borrowing some nice clothes (for interview) ... and a charger... because... I actually called to say I was coming over, on the way out i checked on my rendering movie, and saw that the laptop had given up working half-way through render ...... 

we had a relaxing glass of wine, and brian and i had a relaxing walk back ... (the charger cable worked so i restarted the rendering!) and now i am very nervous about tomorrow again.

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