Tuesday, December 15, 2020

25th anniversary of the trowbridge house (349/365d)

Another really good day, although I slept really late... but I did do a lot of video-editing and I'm pretty much all the way done. 

Took the kids into town for singing (to practice for Christmas eve, which we are singing as a family, since choirs are forbidden)

Finally returned my book to the library at the KUG (waaay late, because I didn't start reading the book until after i had renewed it twice so 9 weeks after i got it out, but at least I read it!) and sent manuelas package – the line was very very very long, way out the door and around the block, but I entertained myself by people-watching.

We all started watching Anchors Aweigh... Great childhood memories! 

Felix and I tried to take a video of us playing jingle bells but I kept messing up.  Argh. Felix kept playing it perfectly.

Edward played his video that he made in honor of us having the trowbridge house in the family for 25 years and I cried and cried because of nostalgia.

Talked to kris for a long time, while doing sudokos. maybe we'll do a music project together.

sudokus and political discussion

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