Monday, December 21, 2020

masked bandit in the bartered bride (355/365d)

Last lesson of the year with Elke this morning... Gave her a book of Reger annecdotes, from which I took this for my own memory...

"man musiziert hier ohne feuer!"

I had to get Theodore back and forth everywhere – to try on costume for Smetana's bartered bride, and to get him to his last lesson with elke and in between a quick stop for quick dinner at home.

with the mask he looked a bit like a bandit

A mom of a friend of Theodore's from singing brought us 4 bags of hand-me-down clothing and we were overwhelmed by going through all of them. There was a LOT of stuff, and now we have to sort through everything we have that's too small or too broken, and nobody likes that job.

Edward finished the pauli video rough cut... it looks soooo good!

We had a family meeting to talk about chores and to point out that chore participation has gone down...

Mary and I tried to communicate about the 2020 factorial project, but I think we were both too tired and talking past one another.

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