Monday, December 28, 2020

the road more traveled (362/365d)

We took the road well traveled - we went on the exact same circuit as yesterday. Today we walked with Maria and her son Gabriel – walked along mur past the kalvarienberg and over the bridge

Pauli came by to have a coffee with me, and give me Stefan Zweig's "Maria Stuart" - it reminded him of me, because "it's a strong woman and such"

Foersters came over, but didn’t sleep over while nina and I painted a Bob Ross in the basement, then Edward took a champagne opening video (for Barbara, who is putting together a quintet mini-video for the quintet's facebook following) and since it was open, we had to drink it and so we shared it with Jackie (who had come to pick up her kids) and nina and centa and me (but nina and I hogged all the potato chips)

me and my bob ross

I still had enough energy, kind of, for a nice long chat with Bruno.

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