Tuesday, December 22, 2020

badly organized day (356/365d)

Woke up very very late, after Brian got back from bringing Theodore to a corona test that was extremely badly organized. - the red cross "forgot" to get there, so everyone had to wait for an hour.

Nina brought over surprise croissants, and that was delightful. She gave me the idea to make curry, which I did, but I didn’t have time to eat before rehearsal.

In the Dom, played a rehearsal, which was extremely badly organized, as in, it should have been half an hour in total, and ended up being over an hour, a lot of it waiting for other people to practice things.

Did tons of cleanup with the kids – I traded them 1 minute of video time for one minute of cleanup, so we got to see the Grinch stole Christmas and one pippi longstocking video.

Brian put in new lightbulbs so it’s super bright in our room now - great idea!

Talked to Bruno and convinced him to make a musicians CV - also a great idea, so we can do projects together

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