Sunday, December 6, 2020

measuring gingerbread (340/365d)

It was a bit late for picking cherry twigs for St. Barbara day, but I didn't let that stop me from going on a walk with Pauli and picking several to put in water and watch whether we'll have pink flowers in time for Christmas or not... or in this case, 2 days after Christmas I guess...

Today was the third day of my stupid headache, but that didn't stop me from leaving and doing tons of rehearsal with quintet and filming some more video. The bright lights made my headache worse, oh well.

I mostly missed everything at home. As I was leaving, Centa was just starting the process of making an amazing gingerbread house which should be dry by tomorrow


Different type of teamwork

I also missed online contra dancing and Nina coming by 🙁 Rehearsal had a definite end point because of the curfew, so I was home before 8, and didn't  miss our audio advent calendar for today though, which was Mama reading a poem by Theodor Storm... slightly modified to be personalized to the boys of the gruene gasse. After that we distributed more chores and had another family meeting. They're working quite well!

Late at night, which probably didn't make the headache any better, I really tried to work very hard on the little video for the children's chorus, which feels like it will never be finished.

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