Monday, July 31, 2017

Happy anniversary (again!) (114/365a)

My parents got married twice 35 years ago, so we arrived at Stringer Brook for our big adventure on their second 35th anniversary. We celebrated in the evening with a bottle of champagne and some pistachios.

chatting around our bonfire
We inspected the progress on the new outhouse, oohed and aahed about the garden, collected chanterelles and I spent hours practicing in the very warm hut by myself.
plastic glasses in syracuse colors gold and blue

brian and i went to town to get some watermelons and fruit and milk for coffee and then i tried to write on my blog but the wireless was too weak. when we arrived back, felix was asleep, henry was nearly out, and the mushrooms were ready to eat. yum. 

Henry checking out the cooked mushrooms he helped gather

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