Monday, July 17, 2017

Snake Bite (99/365a)

Well, I can't share any picnic pictures with you today.
We had a light lunch, in anticipation of the feast that would follow.
We made a glorious looking cake.
We got out hummus and pickles (from a few days ago)
We chopped fruit.
We baked crackers.
We hung the hammock.
We organized games.
We went down the driveway to get Tara from her place after work....

......She met us along the way, limping in pain. - Maybe a bee sting, or ...  perhaps.... a venomous snake bite in her foot. Google image search (not recommended) of copper head snake bites revealed this to be a very likely explanation for the swelling and the pain. Google doctor recommended NOT putting ice, NOT elevating, and NOT compressing. OK, Fine! we'll take the ice off and put the foot down!

So off Brian went with her to the urgent care, which doesn't treat snake bites, and then to the emergency room. - for many many hours.

We tried singing songs, dancing, reading, listening to William Tell, cutting more cucumbers... Waiting waiting waiting.

At some point I had to make the executive decision to cancel the picnic. That was ok for Grandma, but not so ok for the kids. To make it up to them, I dredged up an old dos computer game. Using a laptop that has literally 1 billion times the processing power of the old thing I used to play on, I let them wander around in a pixel world, taking turns to help Mother Goose put her rhymes back together.
It was actually kind of fun!
Oh where oh where has my little dog gone, oh where oh where can he be??


  1. shame about the picnic :( you know I'm a big fan of those!
    hope the snake bite doesn't hurt too much and will heal quickly

  2. Just noticed: congrats on day 100! :)

    1. yup! thanks! not a big fan of the decimals, but they sure look pretty. :)

      the snake bite will feel terrible for 10 days. the whole body fights the venom. poor tara is achy all over.

    2. that's what I feared... my cousin got bitten by a snake once (on the knee no less), and it was swollen and hurting bad for a long time. I had just hoped it's a lot worse on a joint

  3. Haha, I just had to go renumber entries, so I found out this was really "only" post 99. :) <>
