Tuesday, July 25, 2017

This too shall pass (108/365a)

When we first started taking care of Grandma many days ago, it seemed like it would be a long time. But "this too shall pass" and so it is - time marches onward and you're left stunned and surprised at what you've experienced and wondering when you did all those things, and sometimes even wondering "what did happen" because you've already forgotten yesterday.

So today was the last day getting her up and out of bed for us. Just in time for our friend Karen (3 kids the same age as ours) and Tara to come over for breakfast. She's Brian's sister-in-law's sister. (Katie's, the one who's married to Shawn)

Kids all around, all cracking eggs and making their own omelets, banana bread rising in the oven filling the house with cinnamon smells, and lots and lots of reaching and shouting and laughing and singing.
nearly all of us at breakfast.

Karen is special because she is the comfy kind of mom who just trust all 6 kids to just go out in the barnyard to play and collect eggs and play with cats. the kind of mom who says "ooh that sounds fun, I'm going to do that too" when we suggest throwing some rotten eggs back to the chickens.

getting ready to throw some bad eggs

Attempting a 1000 piece puzzle. This is about as far as they got.

By evening, the kids were tired. Granny and Gramp were home, we had pizza and salads for dinner and then it was bed time. No pajamas, just falling into bed and listening to stories. We found a wasps nest attached to the bottom of the porch swing. - THAT'S why I was getting stung about once a day, always on the porch. I just assumed there was a nest under the floor somewhere, but NO, I was swinging their nest back and forth by accident.


(bonus: in case you were wondering why Felix isn't listening to the story.... he fell asleep with his shoes on)

this is after I took his shoes off

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