Sunday, July 2, 2017

on our way to the us! (85/365a)

a very nice steward with a moderately higher pitched voice than is typically expected from a male was walking by, and henry asked if that was a man or a woman. i said quitely i thought it was a man, and henry said, no the one who sounds like a woman, and i told him that all people have different voices and asked him what he thought a man sounds like, and he pointed quite expressively and said quite loudly, "that man sounds like a woman." ok. well, the steward continued quite nicely, but i felt like he didn't know that perhaps i am trying to show my kids daily that people of all genders can have all kinds of voices and shapes and figures.

the absolutely smoothest day of travel i have ever experienced. ever. with or without kids.
a 50minute layover in amsterdam, and we were 10 minutes late and delta closes their gate 30 minutes before departure. and we made it, the doors were opened for us, and we flew through, even with extra "random" security checks for brian ("you're a lucky guy," said the guy wryly. "you have been selected!"). american immigration and customs without a question, despite the expired passport.

and then home again, nearly passing out from tiredness, unable to stay awake for the first 2 scenes of cyrano.
 papa and mama and rainer and edward and katelyn had been waiting all day, only to find us incapable of constructing simple logical coherent sentences.
boston touchdown!

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