Sunday, July 2, 2017

sing together! (84/365a)

our to-do list is long and growing longer, our time is short is growing shorter......

......until today, when i lost my to-do list to the ether, and so i guess i have officially nothing to do. stupid automatic reboots (and stupid me for forgetting to save things, and just have otherworldly many tabs in notepad++ open

one more day of bleach picture taking. i mean, i took some pictures with theodore's camera, and brian's cell phone, but mostly i just let henry play around with the cameras, and spent the day trying to balance my sense of urgency with my sense of presence.

we used up the last of our food. i made truffled mushroom sauce with pasta, and brian picked a salad from our garden. I would say it was our last one this year, but i'll probably have one for breakfast tomorrow.
tiger lilies, sorrel, arugula, and of course regular lettuce, dressed traditionally with pumpkinseedoil

QUICK - we still have to pound in mushroom spore dowels so we can grow maitake mushrooms and have them sometime next year maybe (ok that takes a long time. the first drill has no battery. the second drill blows a fuse. the kids all want to pound in dowels with the same mallet (they fight about everything right now!) and i burn my fingers several times, refusing to give up and use a "real" candle) but it's done now!

jacky and andi and nina and i sat in the back of the church watching Sing Together. felix didn't want to sing along or go on stage, and i was a little sad about that. but at the last song he did and i was so excited. he's wearing a crown and not standing with his group, choosing instead to be close to theodore (understandable, since henry had apparently pinched him)

thanks nina for grabbing this picture!
after which kerstin and pia and erik (friends from kindergarten) came to the concert that theodore and i played with ysop. henry watched by himself in the front row, and his mama was so proud of all his answers to all the questions. (best one, "who plays the cat in prokofiev's peter and the wolf?" henry, loudly from the front row "clarinet!!!")

we *were* going to go get icecream on our way back, but a thunderstorm came up and we raced back, soaked, only to find manuela waiting for us, and having not much time to stay. :-/ oh well, we had a very quick nighttime snack, because we both hadn't eaten since dinner.

packing, baking, packing, cleaning, packing (oh and brian of course had to go for a run in the rain) ...... now it's technically 2am, but i'm backdating this till july 1st so that i can be officially on track/target before i leave.

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