Thursday, July 20, 2017

Shawn and Katie visit (102/365a)

Brian's brother and sister-in-law live in Virginia "only" 2 hours away. They came and spent the day with us, and we did the "traditional" things, a walk along the towpath and pizza night.

In the morning the kids played "old man" - a new game where they use all the walkers and wheelchairs they can find and, according to henry, they "sit around telling stories about things they never saw."
Old Man

animated conversation around the kitchen table
The walk along the towpath for Tara with swollen foot, and Grandma, who did not like the bumpy gravel, was just sitting watching the boats on the dock. For the rest of the party it was finding a cave and exploring it with flashlights, and putting their feet in the river and the mud.

Pizza making was fun, and afterwards we did a little photoshoot to update their wall-picture too!
cute couple!

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