Thursday, July 13, 2017

filling the pickle jar (96/365a)

Tara surprised us in the morning with some cucumbers and a tomato from her garden this morning. She got back from videographing a lacross tournament late last night, and walked up the driveway to us first thing. She has more than one cucumber in the garden - some are the tiny pickling kind - so of course today would be pickle making day. Rebecca would come by one more time to check on us before she leaves us to our own devices for the next two weeks.

We washed and curled Grandma's hair. Henry helped blow dry it, which made both parties happy.

And towards the end of the day, Tara came over with pounds and pounds of cucumbers and we poured boiling vinegar over them to experiment with "refrigerator" pickles (no canning....)

We also went to the mail, and found a birthday card for Grandma (she is turning 97 this week) and the card had a wish from Jonathan Swift on the front: "May you live all the days of your life"
open the letter!!

After bed-time for all, I went down to Tara's to help clean their air bnb for the next tenant, and have a nice chat afterwards, before heading home in the dark after borrowing a headlamp.

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