Saturday, July 29, 2017

New Haven with Amanda (112/365a)

With a Farmer's market setting up directly outside your window how can you not go to the Farmer's market first thing in the morning? New haven is a pretty city, reminding me of a slightly more upscale Syracuse. Reasonably walkable. They are trying to be bike-friendly, and there are more bikes around than are typical for a US city this size, but the bike lanes are still relatively unsafe, and not used as much as they "should" be. A big 8mpg jeep parked outside Amanda's house proclaimed we should be actively engaged in "wildness preservation" and included a Thoreau quote - though we would like to hear what Thoreau thought about cars in general and about terrible gas mileage specifically.
oooh, look out there!
ok, let's go as soon as we have had breaaakfast (Amanda made us some amazing amazing bread that was totally gone before i could get a picture of it)
yummy yummy in our tummy tummy
Then we took a lovely walk around New Haven and up to their monument. The trail is called "Giant Steps" and it got its name from the.... you guessed it... giant steps you have to climb.
Obligatory selfie at the top with the view of New Haven in the background.
These are just normal steps
At home we ordered two giagantic pizzas and ate them all. In a complete food coma, we all took naps. What to do when you wake up from a food coma? Make ice cream of course!
watching it churn
actually icecream took a really long time - we started it before the farmer's market, and let it chill for 8 hours before we churned it. :) Then onwards and upwards to pick up some things in Worcester before (finally!) heading out on our main adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Visits are the best... and well documented. My favorite is always the obligatory selfie :)
