Sunday, July 16, 2017

Grandma turns 97 (98/365a)

With Grandma, we can celebrate her 97th birthday 97 times, and she would be newly excited about it each time. Today we sang her "Happy Birthday" about that often before she even arrived at the breakfast table. We had made some cards for her to read, and she did that, reading each one ... about 97 times.
Happy Birthday Great Grandma!
Mostly the kids are going a little stir crazy, since it's pretty hot outside, but they also have a strong need to run around outside. We decided on a movie to make everyone happy. Grandma picked Mary Poppins, but then she didn't want to watch it anymore, before we even started. Then she came and watched it, and we almost couldn't convince her to stop watching it, because it was bed time (for the kids, but also really for us, and her)
Grandma hates this game - too loud, too scary, too fast - but roll the desk chair around the table is a favorite. 
sometimes she gets up and chases the chair, stopping long enough to say "don't do that!"
reading is a quiet pastime!

We sang happy birthday a few more times on her way to bed. Sometimes she sang along. Sometimes she just said "happy happy happy happy happy" - I hope that's just how she feels.

Tomorrow we are planning to have a birthday cake and a picnic with Tara, where we can remind Grandma about her birthday all over again. :)

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