Tuesday, July 25, 2017

scrizzling (107/365a)

Still had my headache all day, but it's low-grade.

Brian and the boys made it today to the old stone fort and I spent hours on the phone with Amanda (super duper yay) and then hours practicing.

They took some 180 pictures which I will sort through... eventually. - Lots of images of leaves and rocks and bugs and sticks. Beautiful!!
Our intrepid trekkers.
They stayed up to look at the most gorgeous sliver of a moon that rose exactly at sunset, but then fell asleep soon thereafter.

Tonight I played all the guitar songs I knew one after another. One night, years and years ago (15 or so?) Tara and I rode together in the rear-facing backseat of a car after a contra dance and sang "When you dream" by Bare-Naked Ladies. We couldn't remember any of the lyrics at the time, they were all muddled in our heads. When we got back to the house, we looked up the lyrics (probably by finding them in the CD booklet) and I memorized them, and it was the first guitar song I ever learned. Yesterday I found I couldn't remember the words again :( :( :( so Tara got out her fancy smart phone and scrolled for me. That's what good family and friends are for!
Remembering lyrics with our google brains.

Speaking of brains, the Grandma brain is quite an interesting one to behold. Sometimes she can read, sometimes she can't quite say or read her own name. Lately she hasn't written anything at all, but today she spent about 2 hours doodling, writing letters. When we asked her what she was doing, she said she was "scrizzling" I found it gorgeous, the juxtaposition of her hands and her scrizzles.
Since she stayed up until midnight, so did we. About 11:58 we hear a pff pff pff BOOOOOM. Oops, we forgot we had a squash in the oven.
The prettiest exploded spaghetti squash you'll see all day.

1 comment:

  1. Super yay for me too! And I love Grandma's scrizzeling :)
