Thursday, July 27, 2017

viola video (110/365a)

I was so tired today. We wanted to try going on another date today, but instead we settled for just taking a 3 hour long nap in the middle of the day.

A few days ago, I mentioned that I would like to try ... one day ... to make a self-promotional video of me viola-ing so that youtube isn't cluttered with 100 year old garbage of me. Two days later she got a microphone in the mail, that she had been "meaning to order forever"

So the last full day here is a photoshoot with Tara. The likelihood of being able to get it all done before we leave is low - video editing is notoriously time-consuming and fussy. We got all our takes at twighlight in the field. Some of the takes were ruined by cow mooing and kids singing. One of them was completely ruined with crickets playing.

We stayed up until close to midnight lining up footage from two cameras and an audio track. We plan on finishing in the morning.

Meanwhile, everyone else was kept busy by exciting this.
Brian inoculated mushrooms in logs.

Felix and Gramp drove a tractor.

Henry tried to use up ALL the stickers. (from a 10,000 sticker book)

Theodore built paper craft trains. (Theodore is wearing his new cap from Alaska. All three boys got one. Theodore's has the big dipper and Polaris on it, which happens to be one of the groups of stars he just learned about on it. It is, of course, also the state flag of Alaska)

and everybody fell asleep.

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