Friday, July 7, 2017

someone's in the kitchen with dinah (90/365a)

uncle Ludwig and the palatschinkenmonsters
someone's in the kitchen with Dinah..... making palatschinken.

henry was so good, and so reasonable and easygoing yesterday, that uncle Ludwig promised to wake up at slightly before 7am and make palatschinken - and he did! a gigantic plate of them.

I didn't wake up. I slept and slept until I heard the refrain of I've Been Workin On the rail-road being sung overandoverandoverandover again without stopping.
then we listened to ragtime and had a generally rainy day playing with an old morsecode transmitter and learning to play the bugle.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. typo!
    the picture is not loading :(
    I want to see the palatschinkenmonsters! give them hugs for me
