Saturday, July 22, 2017

A walk to Harper's Ferry (104/365a)

It was a hot hot hot day today. And humid.

This morning, the health care assistant dropped by for a visit, to give grandma a bath. To make it worth her trip we asked her to stay for 4 hours, so we got a chance to go out as a family. We took a short hike down across the river to Harper's Ferry, WV. Brian's family farm is at the intersection of 3 state lines, which means you can walk into 2 different states pretty quickly. We were warm but happy. Coincidentally, there were things going on in the little town - people dressed up in Civil War era clothes, showing off kids games of the past.
In West Virginia. On the other side of the bridge is Maryland.
Looking at quilting patterns.
In one of the games, each player got two sticks and you catch a large-ish wooden ring, and make it fly again by pulling the sticks apart. It was really fun, though presumably challenging to actually play well.
Felix played a while with Mama. He really enjoyed the game.
We walked back up just in time for Rebecca to head out. Then we went and got Tara (who would have loved going on the hike with us, but still can't really walk). She drove herself home for the first time since the snakebite. Tomorrow she has to work at 7am. She's not sure how much walking she will need to do so she had Henry fold up one of Grandma's walkers and put it in the car for her. Henry loves little tasks like that!

I've wanted to watch Bedtime for Bonzo for a while now, so we finally started it. It was a silly and fun movie, where the themes are quite complicated and underdeveloped.

We've all been going to sleep way too late - it doesn't get dark till 9pm, and neither Grandma nor the kids can be convinced to sleep when it's light out. Doesn't matter though - there's no school and no work and no appointments. They still get up as soon as it's light out, which can be difficult for everyone.

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