Wednesday, July 5, 2017

July Fourth with family (87/365a)

Celebrated with red and blue berries with white whipped cream. Also with a long walk with everyone, except Rainer who had paperwork to do.
at the wpi fountain
grossmutter with her three grandsons

grandpapa practicing rachmaninoff

Found out that the liquor store is open on July 4th.
Ended with 1776 the movie, a kind of classic family tradition. We all sat in the driveway and watched John Adams fighting with congress in song about whether or not to open the windows in the heat. The screen is an old paint-spattered drop-cloth. the projector is one that wpi threw away years ago. the laptop is one given away.
Ben Franklin wishes that King George feels like his big toe all over.

It's so nice to be home with everyone and sitting around relatively unproductively.

my laptop is a new funny story. i needed a new computer last year because my current one was falling apart in every way. papa gave me an old one, which i brought to austria, but never used - i just kept using my old falling apart one. my falling apart one couldn't be moved back to the US, so i decided to bring my new one with me, and finally start using it. yesterday i started moving files onto it. rainer tested the gutter and found one hole.... right over my laptop. dried it out all night on the fan and all day in the sun, and turned it on. it works! it's just very very slow. i doubt that has anything to do with the waterfall.

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