Saturday, July 1, 2017

calm before the storm (83/365a)

theodore's last day of his first year of school. his mama's a little bit verklemmt.

i'm running on a major sleep deficit. i haven't been asleep before 2 this week, and i haven't been up after 7:30. people, i need my 8 hours!

i started with coffee and kathi - we finished proofreading music and text for the songs for her second book. then we talked and talked.  

 we filled the day brim-full. i was pruning hedges in my high heels, carrying my purse "on my way" out the door. kids here, kids there. theodore at swimming, then rehearsal. kids up late. and of course all the packing.

i'm just kidding on the packing. we've been so unproductive on that front, not that it matters. my brain is just being taking up by all the things that have to get done.

when nina came over this evening, she found me like this:
cleaning all the stuff out of the kitchen to leave all the cabinets empty
i guess it's not that i didn't have time to take any pictures today. it's just that ....... my memory  is too full to want to add anything else to it.

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