Monday, July 24, 2017

"nothing happened" (106/365a)

"nothing happened" is a frequent quote from Grandma's diary.

Felix, Henry, Theodore
In some sense that's true today. Brian found lots of books in the attic, and we read them, it was cute to see them all engaged quietly on the couch at once.

Tara was working all day, and Brian headed out early in the morning with the kids to see if they could get all the way to the Old Stone Fort and back, but they didn't get all the way there. They'll try again tomorrow. Brian got stung in the foot by a bee when he climbed over the last gate to get home.

I felt the very early beginning threat of a migraine in the evening (nausea and light-sensitive headache) so I took a vitamin I (ibuprofen) and settled down with the barest beginnings of a movie. (a pre-code movie called "Kept Husbands" the premise of which was very promising)

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