Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Goodbye parents :( and hello amanda :) (115/365a)

Woke up nice and early, started watering the garden right away. That by itself is a very difficult progress. Every bit of water has to be hand pumped, and then brought to the pot in the garden, which is fenced off against the deer. Then carried around the whole area, which is partially covered in weeds, some which have prickers. Felix likes this job, and does it bravely barefoot. Brian also weeded some beets. it took about an hour to weed half of them.
One tin coffee pot at a time.
Meanwhile the other two kids helped grandpapa work on the outhouse. Finishing the last of the frame and getting it ready for the roof. The roof and the doors will be our job.

Watching and learning
I took a long nap, since I was very very tired.
I wasn't aware, but I guess the kids played cards then. Someone else took a picture of it.

When the building was at a good stopping point it was time to say goodbye to my parents. We were sad to see them go. We waved goodbye and started assembling "Theodore's zeroeth birthday present" - a geodome that we had requested when we originally announced to my family that we were expecting Theodore. Now he's old enough to help assemble it himself.
Guess who showed up to visit now! Amanda!! she played the guitar for us
we sang puff the magic dragon so many times
dinner was "steckerlbrot" (bread on a stick) with some cheese.
difficult skill to perfect, but we will work on it.
I was being threatened with migraine, so i went to bed really early. Brian and the kids and Amanda stayed up late and chatted and looked at the stars without me. They also harvested our first salad from our new garden. 

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