Monday, July 10, 2017

A drive after a good night's rest and arrival in MD (93/365a)

Well, we didn't make it to MD last night. Haha, about half way. We stopped at a hotel in PA, thanks to  Brian's dad's points. We brought all three kids in, and I waited in the room with them while Brian went to get the rest of our things from the car. Felix cried for papa, and went out into the hall, where i couldn't really follow, since I didn't have a key. He stood there resolutely, crying, for about 15 minutes, even after Brian came back and got into bed. Then suddenly he decided to crawl into bed and laugh that we were at a hotel.

We ate leftover picnic foods (melons and croissants and tomatoes and lettuce) for breakfast, and it turned out that it was better than the hotel buffet, which I visited to get cooofffffeeeeee.

On the road again, without stopping till we finally got here.

Upon arrival, we were so excited to run in the house, that I wasn't fast enough to catch Henry in the lead.
A box arrived addressed to Theo, Henry and Felix, and it was opened in the most entertaining and inefficient way possible.
We made oatmeal - on the stove - each child needed to use a separate pot.
Captain Henry Cook
Grandma likes watching us
In spite of the hotel stay, we were tired all day. Like, really tired. First we learned about G.'s nighttime routine, and then we were off on our own nighttime routine.

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