Friday, July 14, 2017

Our first full day... (97/365a)

Tara came to visit again, with garden produce, and good spirits.

Mostly the difficulty here is balancing the kids' needs to move around all the time with Grandma's need to have peace and stillness. It would be a bit easier if it were not so hot here all day, but the sun is strong and the heat oppressing. My laptop arrived today, and I can't wait to set it up, but I haven't had the "time" to sit still and do my own thing.

Awww... look at these pictures of you when you were littler.
Reading "teeny tiny"
Brian also went to get spirits - namely vodka to make Italian green-walnut liqueor. Don't know how that will work out, but if the internet is right my fingers will be stained yellowish brown for a few more days.

cutting green walnuts

Having a few minutes of alone time meant I could take some pictures around the farm... So here are some cat pictures for Manuela. They are both barn cats.


Inky and Charlie

And a pictures of the herd that I wrote about yesterday.
Can you spot the "black sheep"? haha.
This night was so nice with Grandma. She was chatty and in a good mood after the kids fell asleep, so we talked, and she even wrote with the pen she likes to hold, and sang songs, and it was almost a shame to help her get into bed, but she was asleep instantly. Hopefully the good mood lasts a few more days.


  1. I knew the cats photo are for me before I started reading what you wrote. Thank you! I've seen so many cats here in Spain.
