Monday, July 17, 2017

Birthday picnic against all odds (100/365a)

It seemed the world did not want us to celebrate this way, but we did it ANYWAYS.

I did have to give up on some of my plans though. I tried to light candles, and, at the point I had used up more matches than we had birthday candles, I decided we would just pretend we had lit them and blown them out.

On our way out to the picnic, Grandma suddenly turned, and, with what seemed to be super human strength, put herself into her bed, and announced, "I'm going to take a nap." When we figured we would just have to celebrate her birthday without her (I mean - getting the kids to postpone two days in a row was just NOT ok!!) she suddenly woke up and went outside with us. Hooray.
One step at a time.

At that point, we started notice the sky darkening and a storm brewing. We asked grandma if she thought it was going to rain. "Nope," she predicted, "no rain" - so we stayed, all of us expecting a downpour any minute - but she was right! It didn't rain! It seemed to just miss us - each of us felt exactly ONE rain drop.

Everyone made party hats. Theodore's was the most elaborate, and came with a mask.
There's a picture of a party on his party hat.
Some of the picnic food is here:

The rest Felix had hidden under a tree.
The pickles came out PERFECT!!

Tara was there with a swollen leg - a copperhead snakebite will take 10 days to heal itself, in the meantime, it really hurts. The kids let her try the hammock (they hung it themselves, so it's really low. They only jostled her foot a few times. She borrowed one of Grandma's walkers for short trips across the grass.
Right before "Ouch!"

The rain didn't come, but the WIND did! So much wind! In 90 degree weather, we had to get Grandma a sweater, since it was so blustery.

We tried to get the kids to play music, but after bringing all the necessary things down, Henry maintained it was "too hot" in the  sun and "too windy" near the garage, and there were "too many people" - I don't blame him - I was shy at his age too! Theodore and Brian played though, many times!
Set up in the garage, prepared for rain.
Cake with unlit candles, and the edible flowers blown all over.
Happy Birthday

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