Wednesday, July 19, 2017

laying low (101/365a)

brought tara to get some blood work done.

to get to town here is 30 minutes each way. the culture shock from hermit-ing myself for nearly a week without seeing anything of the outside world was already significant.

spent a bit of time typing some of grandma's diary from 1939-1941 into the computer. in there she writes about how excited she was about the previews of Wizard of Oz, and about watching it more than once in the theater. We watched Wizard of Oz with the kids and Grandma yesterday. She sang along and really laughed at the jokes. My kids were just scared (I remember: it's scary the first time!) It was cool imagining her watching that movie when it came our originally: a movie where only one cast member is still alive. I had fun transcribing her daily entries into the computer.

Mostly I was reminded that not every day is full of fancy and fun things, although having my daily journal online and available for viewing puts a bit of pressure on putting on a good show every day.

Sometimes the only things to talk about are the "nothings"

making his own oatmeal
Reading on the couch

1 comment:

  1. I'm in love with Grandma. What are incredible lady she seems to be. How special to have been able to have that time with her and what an honor and delight it must be to transcribe her journals.
