Friday, September 1, 2017

we're all out! (145/365a)

We have officially run out of oatmeal - that 25lb bag is gone!
we burn it ceremonially

I took Theodore into town this morning just for fun. We took trash (bags and bags of litter we had collected) to a place to get rid of it, and got boxes of soup from the discount rack. I didn't feel much like cooking and i wasn't sure whether we would have visitors or not. We thought that perhaps some uncles or aunts or cousins would show up, and I didn't want to add complicated food plans.

Brian decided to start tackling a gigantic pile of trees and logs that had land-slided (landslid?) a few years ago into our path. He made some progress with his little hand saw. He is pretty impressive!
starting a big project with a smile
It's been really really cold (for August) ... Soup was not a bad idea. We also finished off some Brie that my parents had brought as a treat, and the very last of our box of wine. We really are at the end of our stock!

post-dinner fire-side snuggle on the drew-stick-chair. 

Felix is feeling better, but still cuddly.

Hard to believe September starts tomorrow!

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