Thursday, September 21, 2017

nudeln (165/365a)

Some viola learning in the morning, which was great, as usual, with Elke. And some shopping on the way home. It's nice that the kids can get themselves to and from school so I can be freeeee to do little things like that on my own.

Prepared some stuff for a little Jackie and Andi dinner party. My ideal menu was hand cut egg-noodles. We made about 10 of them like this....

Making noodles the old-fashioned way

Before Jackie showed us that she had a cool hand cranked machine to do the same thing.

everyone wants to help with the new technology

It was fun to watch the kids roll the dough out patiently, until it was thin enough to see though, cut them into long ribbons, and then ball it back up, sometimes with saliva, into a sticky mass and start all over. We had pesto from our garden, and more bean salad, which I can't get enough of. And an "extra" cake that Ingrid had made for herself but decided to give away instead, which ended up being the highlight of the dinner party. - The kids went and played and we adults basically ate it all.

We stayed too late, and got home just in time to tuck the kids in before Barbara came over and we sat discussing the future of our little group. Brian texted me at midnight to say he was on his way home.... wait up till 3am or go to sleep wait up till 3am or go to sleeeeeeeep..... #ichoosesleep

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