Sunday, September 10, 2017

Arriving (154/365a)

........landed in Amsterdam, and waited for a while before our trip to Graz.

Ugg, travel this direction is exceedingly more painful than the other direction.

It's 7am in Amsterdam, and yet it feels like a terrible dream that everyone is awake at 1am, needing food and exercise and attention. Good news, the airport has a "children's corner" so we optimistically (stupidly) tell everyone we are going to find the playground.

This was it:

i couldn't take a better picture, 1000 apologies
Not shown: a big flatscreen TV. hmm... I even asked at an information desk. Yes, that area with the "do not climb" climbable letters is our children's corner.

so we found this spot to amuse ourselves...
people watching
a cello for heartbear

amusing ourselves with reflections
A very sleepy flight until we were finally in Graz!

my independent pajama boys

Jacky picked us up. We were overjoyed to see her. They had snuck in and decorated our kitchen, and filled it with delightful dinner (enough to last days!) and fresh fruit. Centa was there, and she too had found us vegetables and fruit and breakfast. We were mostly too tired to eat. I had to go shopping for Henry's first school day. Biking home, a car came to a screeching halt at a corner and Michi jumped out yelling my name. Hooray! Now all we have to do is sleep for 15 hours, so we feel normal again.

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