Saturday, September 23, 2017

serious rehearsal (168/365a)

in order to get on track and not stress anyone out we decided to be very serious in rehearsal today. it was good, we were very productive, and we will be sounding a-MAY-zing by the time our first gig this season rolls around on Monday at 9am in the opera. :) We only had one uncontrollable laughing fit. hehe.

Rehearsal was all day. We recorded a run through of every piece we ran through so we could listen to it so we could fix the tiniest details. We had an outdoor picnic in the middle where we got some nice sunshine and I got home exhausted.

Brian sent me the following text while I was out: Felix "I forgot which cards are for 'Memory'"

we're nuts about nuts
Felix has also been gathering nuts. We now have bowls and jars and more jars full of black walnuts and hazelnuts, and he keeps gathering more. We will have to start cracking them and eating them. His hands are already quite stained from the walnut husks. I love it! :)

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