Monday, September 11, 2017

first day of school for Henry (156/365a)

Well, we are paying for our stalling on getting back from vacation by having a jetlagged Monday with everything going on at once... But that didn't stop us from giving each of them lots of attention today for school/stuff start. Surprisingly, noone was especially cranky this morning even though it's ridiculously early.... (I went to bed at my normal US time this morning --- 4am european time)
off they go!

Henry's first day of school with his lovely Schultüte, complete with bowtie ;)

Felix with Centa's pumpkin
And we filled the day with more things. We had more school-shopping to do. Met with the mamas after kindergarten. Chorus. I tried to buy a bike, but it didn't work. I met with Manuela, and had awesome vegan dinner, and then we ended up with chocolate brownies and tea discussing juggling and "Go" and psychology and books. Hooray! <3

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