Saturday, September 16, 2017

figs on friday (160/365a)

Got a skype message from my wonderful neighbor that asked if we wanted any figs. Turns out, *her* neighbor has a fig tree dropping figs over the fence onto her patio. She doesn't like them, so she invited me to steal figs for everyone's benefit. It was comically fun to use a rake in my highheels to fill a huge bowl entirely full of figs. Yum.

Pick a caption:
"There's one right over your head"
"Don't get that rake in my face"
"Try not to fall"
"Oh, just a little bit higher"
"We're all stealing this together"
"This is harder than it looks"
"Why didn't we use a ladder"
"Thanks Theodore, for taking a picture"
Then a campfire at our favorite playground, and straight to sleep with all of us.
too shy for socializing around the campfire. they brought their own food ;)
Bonus quote from my evening email update to brian:

I used perfume as a solvent for some superglue that had spilled on the counter - it worked, but now the kitchen smells like "sensual amber" .

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