Saturday, September 9, 2017

Leaving (153/365a)

Because of travel times and timezones, and the loss of hours, travel back to Europe starts today and basically will take up all of tomorrow. I don't like the act of traveling so much, and we hadn't really packed. Plus all the late nights we've been having means we will have one heck of a case of jetlag.

Nevertheless, the day started well, with the smell of butter

The Palatschinkenmeister the morning of his driver's test....
and it quickly careened into packing and saying goodbyes. We did learn (got through once without stopping!) a round called the silver swan, and it was very beautiful.

cute on kettcars

uncle ludwig says goodbye on his way out

more and more goodbyes, and then we were off in our rental car, to the airport, through boston rush-hour. we had to separate, so brian could return the car, and i checked in alone, but brian found us no problem, with all three kids dressed in their bumble-bee towels. 

then just waiting and starting and flying and .......

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