Tuesday, September 12, 2017

philosophy and tantrums (157/365a)

not all things can be wine and roses. sometimes life gives you whine and flowerless thornbushes. i spent all morning trying to convince felix to go to kindergarten, and he won the tantrum fight, i ended up taking him home. ugg! then spent nearly the rest of the day on back-to-school shopping. double ugg!

but not all is lost!
i have a new (really old, just like my old one) awesome bike, a single speed city bike from the 80s, and i can officially "ride a bike with no handlebars!"
two quick stories about that:
* i saw a guy riding with no handlebars today, cap on sideways, listening to music on his phone and smoking a cigarette (even flicking away ashes!) -- who says guys can't multitask?
* when brian went to pick up the bike, he saw a lady eyeing him when he showed up, and he said "hi i'm brian" and she said "hi i'm eva" (which was the name of the lady selling the bike) and he said "so what about the bike?" and she said "bike? which bike?" ... coincidentally a different eva.

i have decided to adopt a new (really old, and just like my old one) life philosophy, that i made up myself, which i have summed up in a few words.
would later be ok?
some basic questionable tenets:
* if you want something now, really really want it, how bad would it be to wait? is it worth waiting for?
* if something is now or never, do it now!
* if there is a task or something you have been putting off, will it make you happier to do it later or to do it now?

be honest with your answers, and then follow your brain/heart/gut! (whatever science tells you is in charge of your actions/feelings/thoughts)

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