Saturday, September 30, 2017

sick saturday (175/365a)

i just have a cold, but i didn't feel like participating (and therefore didn't) in cello lesson, farmer's market, bike rides, la boheme listening (to get prepared for me to take theodore to the opera tomorrow)

looming large over the day was an event that including lindy hopping outside with the green party. finally i got myself motivated to go, and was glad i did ... we danced, michi and family came, music/band was great, and we came home in an awesome mood.

quick, before the stores close for the weekend, buy some rosemary
made some yummy tofu scramble... well, really henry did. easy peasy - crumble, mix, heat, done!
carefully carefully
also was happy to notice this little gem from music for our upcoming trip. A brand new piece written for us that includes....
kissing noises!! <3

We finished our la Boheme cd, had popcorn (the one Brian brought back from Romania never popped) and after all the kids were out, brian and I treated my cold with tea and alcohol and had a lovely discussion about various biases in our heads (from our intermittent reading of Thinking Fast and Slow and Die Kunst des klaren Denkens)

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